Thursday, 14 January 2016

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Mindanao Week of

Mindanao Week of Peace (MWOP) is an annual celebration that has the intent of advocating peace in the island of Mindanao. The vision of MWOP is to promote the culture of peace as an “authentic lived experience, a way of life, and a spirituality that traverses religious and cultural boundaries.” 

Along with this event, the annual Mindanao Week of Peace (MWOP) celebration brings forth the hopes and aspirations of the Mindanao people, with the belief that peace is possible to achieve, along with achieving progress and development in this region of the Philippines as well. (Alcantara, 2013)

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From the very beginning, our Week of Peace has been a celebration of our peoples’ diversity in terms of ethnic origin, religious faith, political affinity, and economic standing. With the Week of Peace, we have harnessed this diversity to serve as our source of multi-cultural and inter-religious strength to build a community of peace, harmony and security. With the Week of Peace, we seize the day of peace from the slippery hands of our establishment leaders. With the Week of Peace, we build a culture of peace wherein as many-scaled fishes we swim as school to the deepest depths of our existential meaning, as many colored birds we fly in formation to the highest point of our shared spirituality, or as innumerable stars we twinkle round God’s firmament.

In Mindanao particularly in the region of Davao City, different colleges and universities participated in the said event, and Ateneo de Davao University is one of them. As Ateneo de Davao University celebrate the Mindanao Week of Peace, different ministries, departments, and formation groups took part and collaborated together in order to make the big event a triumph and a celebration to be remembered. (, 2013)

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Peace is our birthright
from our common God and Father,
 by whose culture and advocacies we equip ourselves
to heal our primordial brokenness
 marked by violence.

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How did these activities promote/change our culture of peace?

With these Mindanao Week of Peace celebrating in our university, we interfaith a framework with “SOLIDARITY”. Solidarity, to promote and enjoy the fruits of integrity in the form of good governance in our school and in our fellow Ateneans. With these activity, we can also promote ethical and moral conduct.

By solidarity, we promote and enjoy the fruits of justice by the delivery of social services and the demands of human rights, of all-inclusive socio-economic development. By solidarity, we support and enjoy the fruits of the Mindanao peace process at its grassroots to its highest social as well as legal levels.

As an Atenean, these imperatives set our tasks and challenges now and ahead. We start with interpersonal and interfaith respect, understanding and reconciliation. All this is the hope and wisdom of the Week of Peace. And with peace as God’s grace, all things are possible.


Mindanao Week of Peace is Launched Today – The Arrupe Office of Social Formation. (2014, November 26).from

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